Universal Minitab Macro Dialog

This feature is probably one of those you would like to have in the next Minitab version. ( and probably you'll never get !)
Stop running a macro using the %macro command line and keeping in mind all the parameters to pass ... ( not so easy ).
Begin to use all the downloadable macros available @ Minitab site.

Universal Minitab Macro Dialog

This feature is probably one of those you would like to have in the next Minitab version.
Easy as 1 2 3 :
- Download your preferred macro file ( mac file ) from Minitab site.
- You can use the macro in Session Window as suggested by Minitab ( %filemacro parameters .. ) , but it is better ...
- Edit the macro using MTBEngine Macro Editor.
- Insert two pairs of reserved words ( used by MTBEngine ) in the right position.
- Save the mac file.
- Run the macro file by menu command or by the same Macro Editor.
- All done ... Now you can use this macro as shown in the video.

Universal Minitab Macro Dialog

This feature is probably one of those you would like to have in the next Minitab version.
You can test the macro examples and/or read related Minitab documents published in Minitab site Macros pages, in real time.
Only the mac file shgould be in your PC.
( Note : this operation / macro is much faster than you see in this video because of recording video use ... )

Universal Minitab Macro Dialog

This feature is probably one of those you would like to have in the next Minitab version.
How many times have you forgotten to open the right worksheet before to run a Minitab Dialog Command ?
With UMD you won't have this problem anymore.

Minitab shows Minitab

Minitab shows Minitab ( a silly macro )

Not only silly macro

BCTrans in MTB15.

R Language to Minitab

All the standard Minitab Commands (Procedures) + hundred of Minitab available macros are not enough for your Stat needs ? Don't worry !!
MTBEngine manages the R Language functions using the excellent (D)COM Objects Server !!
With mtbEngine plus the (D)COM Objects Server [ StatConn ] you will have all the additional power of R Language in your Minitab.

SciLab to Minitab

All the standard Minitab Commands (Procedures) + hundred of Minitab available macros are not enough for your Math needs ? Don't worry !!
MTBEngine manages the SciLab functions using the excellent SciLab Proxy DLL !!
With mtbEngine plus the SciProxy.DLL [StatConn ] you will have all the additional math power of SciLab in your Minitab.

Real Time Minitab Analysis Automation Example

This video shows a GSummary Command Automation of incoming data ( a batch file is used to simulate the CMM real time data generation).

CMM data Analysis - Save Time and Money (vbscript example)

This video shows a test of automatic statistical analyses of measurements, which come from a CMM, through the combined use of Minitab and MTBridge, carried out for an International Company working in the avionic components business.
In the explained example, 72 critical dimensions of a fundamental component are inspected in detail. (Normality Test and Capability Analysis will be different, depending on passing the test).
Many other automatic analyses with Minitab are, of course, possible with the same data. This option is not performed on this video recording, merely because it is not worth to burden on the video dimension.
HTLM reports are automatically created and explained for each characteristics, which are immediately usable for issuing on the Company Intranet.
A first assessment of the saving, resulting from the automation of these Minitab analyses with MTBridge, is comparable to one analyst/engineer cost per year.

Your Minitab can tell you your data pass the Normality Test ?

A variation of the previous example.

Gear pump assembly optimization

The video is a Case Study example of a Tolerance Analysis real model, implemented through the @Risk5 use. The additional module, which have been developed by us, performed to present and to show the spatial analysis of the simulated data correlations, is freeware for all the @Risk users. It can be used with any Risk Analysis or Tolerance Analysis model, realized with @Risk. [ vers >=4.5 ].

Gear pump assembly optimization

The same app using Crystal Ball insted of @Risk.

Run Excel Addin using a Minitab Macro

Call Vba code using a Minitab macro.