Names Default To Here( 1 ); Clear Log(); Clear Globals(); Clear Symbols(); // //Times Tables, Mandelbrot and the Heart of Mathematics // for Mathematics // for jsl code // _Divisions = 200; _NumberTo = 200; _Ratio = 8 * ArcTangent( 1 ) / _Divisions; // w = New Window( "", Show Menu( 0 ), Show Toolbars( 0 ) ); w << Show Window( 0 ); w << MoveWindow( 520, 40 ); For( Number = 0, Number < _NumberTo + 1, Number += 1, if (Number==1,Number += 1); colorname = Match( Modulo( number, 8 ), 1, "Red", 2, "Green", 3, "Blue", 4, "Orange", 5, "BlueGreen", 6, "Purple", 7,"Yellow", "Cyan"); g = Graph Box( Frame Size( 840, 840 ), Y Scale( 0, 840 ), X Scale( 0, 840 ), DoubleBuffer, Suppress Axes, Pen Color( colorname); Pen Size( 1 ); Oval( 20, 20, 820, 820 ); For( i = 2, i < _Divisions, I += 1, k = Modulo( Number * I, _Divisions ); Line( {420 + 400 * Cos( I * _Ratio ), 420 + 400 * Sin( I * _Ratio )}, {420 + 400 * Cos( k * _Ratio ), 420 + 400 * Sin( k * _Ratio )} ); ); Pixel Text( {200, 852}, "@ for mathematics and for jsl code" );, ); w << Set window title( "Times Tables Patterns with JMP - Number is : " || Char( Number ) ); w << append( g ); w << Show Window( 1 ); Wait( 2 ); g << delete; ); w << Close Window;